Mount Collector’s Handbook: Acquiring Coveted Mounts In World Of Warcraft

WoW The characters are standing in the main square

Did you know that World of Warcraft (WoW) boasts an impressive 830+ mounts? As a player, it’s no small feat to acquire even just a fraction. Welcome to your Mount Collector’s Handbook – the ultimate guide for all WoW enthusiasts looking to expand their stable.

Whether you’re just starting out on your mount collecting journey or you’re an avid collector seeking those elusive rare or ultra-rare beasts, this manual is for you.

We’ll delve into the significance of mounts and provide step-by-step strategies for acquiring basic, rare, and ultra-rare ones. Plus, we’ll offer tips on maintaining your ever-growing collection.

So saddle up; it’s time to embark on an exciting adventure across Azeroth and beyond! Always remember—every epic journey begins with a single step, or in this case – one powerful leap from a carefully chosen mount!

Key Takeaways

  • WoW has over 830 mounts, providing players with a wide variety of options to collect.
  • Mounts in WoW have practical benefits like increased travel speed and unique combat abilities.
  • Acquiring mounts demonstrates achievements and dedication to the game.
  • Strategies for acquiring mounts range from completing quests and reaching certain levels to mastering trading tactics and participating in limited-time events.

Understanding the Importance of Mounts

WoW Dragon of Life

In World of Warcraft, you’ve got to realize that collecting mounts isn’t just about style or speed—it’s also a crucial demonstration of your achievements and playtime commitment.

You see, the mount aesthetics aren’t merely for show—they’re a testament to your prowess as a player. Whether it’s a ferocious dragon or an ethereal unicorn, each mount tells its own story about the trials you’ve conquered and the territories you’ve explored.

Beyond their looks, though, is the practicality they offer—the mount functionalities. From increasing travel speed across Azeroth’s vast landscapes to providing unique abilities in combat situations, these creatures are essential tools for strategic gameplay.

Now that we’ve underscored their importance, let’s delve into how to start acquiring these coveted companions in World of Warcraft.

Guide to Basic Mount Acquisition

WoW The site before the raid

Let’s dive straight into the fundamentals of snagging your first epic ride in this expansive universe. Remember, mount aesthetics and speed are key factors to consider when choosing your fantasy steed.

Here is a basic guide to get you started:

TaskMount TypeReward
Complete Level 20 QuestsGround MountsIncreased Speed
Achieve Level 40 StatusRarer Ground MountsEven Faster Speed
Rise to Level 60 RankFlying MountsFreedom of Flight
Mastery of Artisan Skills:Epic Flying Skill at level 70 or higher.Epic Flying Mounts: They’re not just about the aesthetics; they’re fast!Unprecedented Speed and Style
Venture into Dungeons and Raids: High-level challenges offer unique mounts as rewards.Rare Mounts: The ultimate bragging rights in WoW.Distinctive Looks and Exceptional Speed

To ensure you’ll be the envy of Azeroth, next we will delve into tips for collecting these rare beauties.

Tips for Collecting Rare Mounts

WoW Raszageth Storm Eater Dragonriding Mount

So, you’re aiming to snag those elusive rides everyone gawks at in awe? One key approach to amassing rare mounts is mastering Mount Trading Tactics. This involves understanding the WoW market’s ebb and flow, knowing when players are likely to sell for less. Often, it’s during expansions or major patches, so keep a close eye on the Auction House during these periods.

Also crucial is your pursuit of Limited Edition Mounts which are only available during specific events or times. They require dedication and quick action as they don’t stick around forever! Be sure to participate in all seasonal activities and check out every new patch’s offerings.

With these tips under your belt, let’s delve deeper into the world of ultra-rare mount acquisition where perseverance meets luck.

Strategies for Collecting Ultra-Rare Mounts

WoW a character on a floating mount

Navigating the treacherous path to ultra-rare steeds can feel like taking on a raid boss single-handedly; it’s a blend of relentless determination, skillful maneuvering, and sheer luck. But don’t fret! With the right Mount Trading Tactics and Mount Hunting Expeditions, even these elusive rides can be yours.

Start by diving deep into the auction house. Keep an eye out for lucrative trades that could get you closer to your coveted mount. Being savvy in this market is key.

Next, consider embarking on Mount Hunting Expeditions. These are high-stake adventures with potential big rewards but remember – patience is paramount here.

When finally claiming your prize, savour the thrill of victory! But don’t rest for too long; there’s always more to hunt in Azeroth. Up next: mastering how to maintain your flourishing collection.

Maintaining Your Mount Collection

Once you’ve snagged the rarest rides, it’s not the end of the road; keeping your collection in tip-top shape is just as important. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine – regular maintenance and care will keep your prized possessions looking their best for years to come.

Mount Preservation should be on your priority list.

Firstly, organize your collection. Collection Organization makes it easier to track which mounts need attention and helps avoid any potential damage or loss. Use an add-on like ‘PetJournal Enhanced’ to categorize them according to rarity, type, or region.

Clean up regularly; remember virtual dusts can accumulate too! Keep an eye for updates that might affect mount visuals and ensure all are updated accordingly.

Lastly, strut out with your favorite mount frequently; what’s a proud collector if not showing off?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fastest mounts available in World of Warcraft?

In WoW, mount aesthetics often correlate with speed. The top speedsters are the Invincible’s Reins, Ashes of Al’ar, and Mimiron’s Head.

Their acquisition strategies involve challenging raids and luck. Invincible’s Reins drop from Lich King in Heroic Icecrown Citadel, while Ashes of Al’ar drops from Kael’thas Sunstrider in Tempest Keep.

For Mimiron’s Head, defeat Yogg-Saron without help from any keepers in Ulduar.

Remember though, getting these mounts isn’t just about speed; it’s also about style and bragging rights!

Do certain mounts provide additional benefits apart from transportation?

Absolutely! In World of Warcraft, mounts aren’t just about speed and getting from point A to B. They’re about style, prestige, and individual expression too. Mount aesthetics can make your character stand out in a crowd or reflect the theme of your gear.

Some mounts also offer additional benefits like water walking or an extra seat for a friend. With mount customizations, you can add that personal touch, turning your mount into a true extension of your game persona.

Are there any mounts that are exclusive to specific character classes or factions?

Absolutely! There are indeed Class exclusive Mounts and Faction specific Mounts in the game.

For instance, Warlock and Paladin classes have their unique mounts. Similarly, Alliance and Horde factions also boast specific mounts only their members can acquire.

These exclusives add a layer of individuality to your gaming experience. So, make sure to explore all possibilities for your class or faction – you might discover a mount that truly resonates with your character’s style!

Can players trade or sell their mounts to other players?

Did you know that over 50% of WoW players covet rare mounts? Unfortunately, you can’t trade or sell your mounts to other players. Mounts are tied to your account and their rarity often reflects your gameplay achievements.

While it’s a bummer if you’re aiming for mount customization by acquiring others’ mounts, remember that the thrill lies in the chase! So, keep grinding those raids and quests. Your dream mount is just around the corner!

Are there any seasonal or event-specific mounts in the game?

Absolutely! There’s a range of seasonal mount rarities available during specific events in WoW.

For instance, the Headless Horseman’s Mount is exclusive to the Hallow’s End event.

These mounts are usually challenging to obtain due to their low drop rate, making them highly coveted.

To increase your chances, participate regularly in these events and don’t miss out on daily quests that reward event-specific mounts.

Remember, patience and persistence are key in mastering event-specific mount mechanics.


In the grand saga that is World of Warcraft, you’ve learned to master the art of mount collecting.

From basic acquisition to snagging those ultra-rare beauties, your journey’s been nothing short of epic.

Remember, it’s not just about the chase, but keeping your collection in prime shape too.

So saddle up and keep questing; Azeroth’s horizons are endless as are its treasures.

Happy hunting!

Before you venture back into the wilds of Azeroth, be sure to check out my other articles where you’ll discover more invaluable tips, epic tales, and class-specific strategies. Your journey through the World of Warcraft is just beginning – join me in exploring the depths of this immersive universe by delving into our archive of adventures!

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